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Summer Fun

Summer Fun Registration

(click here to download and print)

The summer is a wonderful time to be outside enjoying nature! 


At Morning Song Summer Camp, magical memories are created each day as children play and create together, exploring the natural world in wonder and joy! If you are looking for a wholesome, enriching summer camp experience for your child, please join us! 


This is a morning program from 9 am to 1 pm, Tuesday through Thursday. For children ages 3-6 (ages are flexible).

*** Monday and Friday are also available upon request. Please contact Joya for this option.


During Morning Song Summer Days, your child will care for bunnies and chickens and kitty cats, spend time in the garden, go on nature walks, create crafts from nature, have fun with sand & water play, and enjoy storytelling, puppetry, circle games and experience much more.


We all know children need to be outside, playing in the dirt, learning to care for the earth and each other, and developing imaginations where the world is always safe, good and beautiful.


A nutritious snack and homemade popsicles will be provided everyday.  The children should bring a simple lunch from home.  Other things to bring would be a towel, bathing suit, a complete change of clothes, bug repellent and sunscreen (all labeled and in a cloth bag or backpack please). 


The cost of the program is $225 for 3 day/session or $300 for 4 day/session (which includes snacks and supplies).


Please understand that you are financially responsible for all camp sessions that are asked to be reserved.


To reserve your child’s space, please PRINT and return the form above with the appropriate payment. If you have any questions please call us.  


THANK YOU and we look forward to a sunny, fun-filled summer with your beautiful children!



Joya Matza and Melanie Knox 

(919)383-4024 (home)

(919)593-4521 (cell)

3215 Green Hill Drive

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

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