Morning Song Home Nursery
About Us

Joya Matza ~ lead teacher / founder
I love children! For the past 20 years or so I have had the honor to work with and alongside children. Morning Song is my hearts work! I believe with all my heart that children learn by doing, exploring, helping one another, collaborating and playing. I strive to foster a love of learning through creativity, magic and wonder.
I have completed my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education at Maui Community College. I continue to attend workshops, classes, and lectures in early childhood. I also completed a medical assistant training program and worked with children in hospital settings. I was raised in NY, and have lived in Boston, Oregon and Hawaii while working in many fields of early childhood. My love of nature, animals, and the seasons allows me to enliven the children’s natural connection to these elements of life.
While in Hawaii, I worked at the Haleakala Waldorf School as a Kindergarten Assistant and then as a Co-Teacher. After my children were born I started the Rainbow Playgroup which was Waldorf inspired, and evolved into a home based nursery.
As a mother of two children (now young adults!) and with many years of experience in teaching young children, I am delighted to have the opportunity to witness, guide, and have fun with your children.
It is my hope that you and your child’s time at Morning Song is very joyful and that your child develops in a healthy positive way. If you have any suggestions or questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you in the care of your child.
I will be taking a 6 month sabbatical beginning August 1st. This sabbatical will serve me both personally and professionally. A long-term extended career break to rest and recharge, to pursue interests and deal with personal responsibilities.
A sabbatical is not something you do, instead, it is a space where you can be. I have given myself permission to be “ off “ from routine life ….. I am clearly ready. Ready to relearn what my life means outside of this work.
In my absence…. Mel Knox who has been my wonderful assistant for the past 5 years will take charge. I am confident that Morning Song will continue to provide excellent services for parents and young children.

Melanie Knox - Interim Lead Teacher
I started my studies in Early Childhood Education at Tulane University and at University of Maryland over two decades ago, and while the coursework was interrupted, the learning continued! The bringing up of three wee ones was quite an experience! As they grew, they became my occasional assistants when I left retail behind and started to provide private childcare to parents in the area. Even today, as young adults living their own lives, they continue to be my best resume.
I strongly believe, now more than ever, that young children thrive in nature, surrounded by its simple beauty, and in the company of friends, human and animal alike.
Enfolded in the care and support of their adults, they step into the world with confidence and wonder; surrounded by the changing faces of nature, they follow their curiosity, and their imagination blossoms; held with firm tenderness and kindness, they experience compassion for others and for self, and to care for the young, the small, and the friend, old and new.
Rooted in Love, they learn to Fly.