Morning Song Home Nursery
Morning Song Calendar
Sunday August 27th, 4pm --
Parent Orientation:
This is a parent only gathering to meet and discuss the upcoming year together. Light refreshments will be offered.
September 5th -- First Day of Morning Song:
We will have a special "soft" first day to help everyone ease into our year. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come into the Play Garden with their child. We will have a little Morning Tea together, and a bit of playtime. At around 9:30, parents will decide if their child is ready to stay until 1pm, or say "See you tomorrow," to their new Morning Song friends and teacher.
September 27, 12:30pm -- Pear Festival:
All family members welcomed to celebrate the arrival of Autumn. We will press pears for juice, share pear crisps, and enjoy a story together.
October 31st, 12:30pm -- Autumn Fairy Walk:
A sweet walk along our woodland path, we will dress in our Fall finery and help Mother Earth change the leaves to red and gold. Fairies have been known to leave gifts in thanks to the children.
All family members are invited.
November 15, 12:30pm -- Thanksgiving Feast:
All family members are invited to join us for a Stone Soup and Corn Muffin lunch to celebrate the end of harvest time and the blessings of community and family.
November 20-24 -- Thanksgiving Break.
Morning Song will resume November 27th.
December 3rd, 5pm -- Lantern Walk
Come out to walk together through our nighttime play garden! Carrying handmade lanterns and singing together under the night sky, this is a magical, reverent celebration of Light. All family members are invited, and we will share a sweet treat around the bonfire after our walk.
December 20th, 12:30 -- Winter Spiral
All families are invited to join us to celebrate the rekindled Light in all of us, and in the world, to carry forward through the year.
December 22-Jan 1 -- Winter Break
January 2nd -- Morning Song resumes
January 15th -- Martin Luther King Jr Day
No Morning Song.
February 5th -- Candle Dipping
Details to be announced
February 12-14 -- Valentine's Week
A special week, with special songs and treats (Pink Porridge! Heart-shaped bread!), celebrating Love: of family, friends, our beautiful home.
March 20th, 12:30 -- Lady Spring's Birthday
Time to celebrate the arrival of Spring! The children and I will make Lady Spring a birthday Carrot Cake.
All families welcome to share a special circle and cake
April 8-11 -- Spring Break
April 15 -- Morning Song resumes
May 1st, 12:30 -- May Day
Dancing round the May Pole is a joyful way to celebrate the flowers of May.
Details to be announced.
May 12 -- Mother's Day
May 22, 12:30 -- End of Year Celebration and Bridge Ceremony.
Details to be announced.